Patterson, James; Wallace, Benjamin. The Defense Lawyer. Little, Brown, 2021.
Rubin, Lillian B. Quiet Rage: Bernie Goetz in a Time of Madness. Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1988.
“Red Tape for Green Light on Gun Permit,” Newsday, Feb. 1, 1981.
“‘A Little Strange,’” New York Daily News, Jan. 1, 1985.
“Suspect mugged in 1981,” New York Daily News, Jan. 2, 1985.
“A Growing Anger,” New York Daily News, Jan. 3, 1985.
“Goetz: A Private Man in a Public Debate,” New York Times, Jan. 6, 1985.
"I Saved Vigilante," New York Post, Jan. 8, 1985.
“My Neighbor, Bernie Goetz,” New York Magazine, Feb. 18, 1985.
“Feds Wind Up Goetz Probe,” New York Daily News, Feb. 25, 1985.
“Right to Bear Arms?” New York Daily News, Feb. 25, 1985.
"Goetz wants more armed civilians," New York Daily News, Feb. 26, 1985.
“Youth Goetz Shot Offers to Testify,” New York Times, Mar. 2, 1985.
“New Grand Jury to Get ‘Subway Vigilante’ Case,” Washington Post, Mar. 13, 1985.
“Goetz turns on the spotlight,” Newsday, Mar. 27, 1985.
“Attempted Murder,” New York Daily News, Mar. 28, 1985.
“Goetz indicted on assault, attempted murder counts,” New York Daily News, Mar. 28, 1985.
“Wimp or Wolf?” Newsday, Dec. 15, 1985.
“Intended to Gouge Eye of Teen, Goetz Tape Says,” Washington Post, May 14, 1987.
“Man in a Cage,” New York Daily News, Jun. 18, 1987.
“Goetz’s Small Fortune in Real Estate Won’t Go Far,” Orlando Sentinel, Mar. 2, 1988.
“THE LAW: At the Bar; Street-smart defender of reputed mobster, ‘simpatico’ with client, disdains stigma,” New York Times, Apr. 21, 1989.
“Goetz case to be heard by second grand jury,” The Post-Star, Mar. 13, 1995.
“Joshua Kates in online therapy,” CNN, Nov. 9, 2000.
“A Troubled and Troubling Life,” Time, Jun. 24, 2001.
“Examining Marijuana Arrests,” New York Times, Apr. 1, 2012.
“James Patterson’s latest book about criminal lawyer Barry Slotnick,” New York Post, Nov. 30, 2021.
“Kathryn Kates, Actress of ‘Seinfeld’ Babka Fame, Dies at 73,” New York Times, Feb. 15, 2022.